Conflict is a natural sign that people care deeply about the issues that affect
their lives. But when a dispute arises, it can throw huge barriers in the path
of progress. At these times, people turn to The Perspectives Group as a neutral
third-party to help them achieve a workable resolution.
The Perspectives Group’s facilitators are trained in mediation and in
other dispute resolution techniques. We do the legwork to identify the parties
that are critical to finding a resolution and listen careful to them to understand
the history and the scope of the issues. Then, we craft appropriate settings
and techniques to bring those parties together to share their perspectives and
to seek a solution. To ensure true success, we also guide the parties through
the development of a mutually acceptable action plan that will determine how
their solutions are implemented.
The Perspectives Group has facilitated well over 1,000 meetings throughout North
America to assist groups in making decisions and to help them reach consensus
on difficult issues. We have worked with groups on issues including facility
siting, land use planning, energy, natural resource restoration, hazardous and
radioactive waste cleanup, transportation, health and safety, business process,
policy, and regulation.